Get to Know Me
Hello and thank you for looking through this website. I am passionate about helping my clients understand themselves and feel better. I think a good therapeutic relationship based on collaboration, warmth and empathy is key to success in therapy.
Having practiced as a sex and relationship counsellor for over 20 years, I wanted to broaden my practice so I trained in CBT at the University of Oxford. Although I enjoy working with anxiety, eating and OCD, I decided to specialise in psychological trauma. To help people step out of unimaginable darkness and free themselves in order to move forward with their lives is a real privilege. As part of this I have trained in EMDR which is one of the powerful tools we have for healing and is recommended by NICE.
I keep my skills up-to-date and have regular supervision. I am currently finishing my MSc in CBT at the University of Oxford. My private practice is only open one day a week as I also work in a school as a CBT/EMDR therapist.